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I Never Say Good Bye For This, I Can Remember Your smile

The case of love is like two sides of a coin. Because of him, you can be the happiest, even feel the most miserable in the world. Love the right partner makes your life complete, while the wrong choice makes you lose direction. However, isn't love always a mystery or a puzzle? Which is the right partner and which wrong choices can be answered after we complete? You're lucky if you currently have a complementary partner, someone who makes you stop searching. But, what happens if your love is no longer on the side? Your relationship must end and the person you love finally chooses to leave? Definitely not light taste. Have to let go of a relationship that you think can end happily. Love never comes with certainty. Every relationship also has two possibilities; between succeed or even zero.

Even if you feel you have found the person who feels the best, there is no guarantee your relationship can run smoothly without obstacles. In the past you and he had been the 2 most proud humans. Feeling able to face all challenges before the eyes of both of us. Love in the chest is so bubbling. To the extent that you are sure anything that blocks can definitely be attacked with a single kick.

In fact, compatibility is not everything. Even if you feel they are equally compatible, it is quite possible that you will often bicker. Even the feeling of confidence slowly faded. The bond between you guys that were originally strong can become even more loose.

You all worked together for the future together. But now, you and you must be prepared to leave each other.

Never before could you have imagined you and her millionaire sitting facing each other to exchange tears. The love journey that has been fought for has failed to be maintained. You give up. Love really cannot be measured with numbers or likened to math. Love is also not an exact science whose end result can be predicted with precision. In the end, everything was just a matter of undergoing.

You sobbed, he stammered until he was like choking. The feeling that had been hidden for so long seemed to explode. In your brain imagine how you are too ordinary together. Memorize each other's habits without the need to have to guess each other. Losing him is like losing the ultimate life orbit that can make you happy. But what does it mean if the two don't make each of them complete as humans? When finally conscious and must choose, the principle case is clearly not at stake. Breaking up and ending the relationship can be the only choice. You deserve to be distracted. Crushed after deep love does make your world stop walking.

Whatever the reason, a breakup is definitely not a happy ending. The experience of failing in relationships is also something to be proud of. In fact, when you love your partner deeply, your heart will feel many times the pain. Is heartache after a breakup wrong? Not. Your pain is natural or even very common. But, the decision to date or have a relationship with someone should be carefully thought out. Before starting a new relationship, the case of the possibility of failure should have been well kept in mind. Like advancing to the battlefield, you are ready with bullet proof vests and reserve weapons. If the relationship you live must end, you will not be too broken because you have made your heart. Had you thought life could not roll normally. But strangely, the day went on and opportunities continued to arrive.

Getting up and healing your own heartache is clearly not easy. Like bloody, you only hope that a helper comes and takes you home. Unfortunately, no one is worthy of treating your wounds, except yourself. When you make peace with your heartache, you are legitimately born into a new person. Yes, all the bitter sweetness of your story is not worth bringing up. You can no longer blame yourself, curse the situation or even he who you may still love. Regarding who is wrong or what is the cause of the breakdown of your relationship, there is no question. Believe that everything you go through is outlined. Sad or happy stories that you do have written. For the sake of being able to move on with life, you just have to accept it roomy.

Fate can be sought but destiny is not negotiable. You also choose to be patient.

"Marriage is a matter of fate, whereas love is a matter of destiny," I think be (thats your choice) 

Do you agree with the above quote? Yes, many believe that fate and destiny cannot be equated. Fate has to do with how diligently we try, while destiny is a definite, non-negotiable provision. If you want to have a good fortune in love, then try to find a suitable partner. The first step that can be done is to track yourself as well as possible. After successfully boosting yourself, then fate will lead you to a couple who are fulfilling.

Meanwhile, destiny has different provisions. The case of who will accompany you to the end of your life has been recorded. The question of who you love deeply has already been written down. So, when the couple you feel is right betrayed, it could be that he is not meant to be by your side.

The process of giving up is like hell. But rest assured, you will become a stronger human afterwards.

Naturally, if you are crushed when your sincere feelings are betrayed. It's normal if a love so big is not rewarded and it hurts you. But is insisting to maintain a relationship without a future better? Is it possible to keep him who is not worthy is the right choice? Definitely not!

Breaking up and giving up your partner can be the best decision when your relationship is not healthy. Instead of hurting each other, it's better to separate for the good of you and your partner, right? Although this moment is so emotionally draining, believe every difficulty must be overcome. And when he succeeds in letting go of those who are still deeply loved, you will appear as a much greater person.

Let him be the one who was not meant to be. Later, there will be another love that is more reassuring.

Being able to live happily is the desire of almost everyone. One that guarantees your happiness is when you have an 'accept' attitude. No need to be stubborn or burden yourself reluctantly accept reality. Isn't life worth living happily and simply?

He who is not destined for you is worth giving up on. When you are not allowed to be together, each of you will surely meet a partner who can reconcile. Don't try to fight because you and he both have the right to be happy. Be happy by receiving another more reassuring love.

So, what do you do? Still reluctant to give up who you already love deeply? Still want to try for the sake of your destined partner? There are times when you have to surrender, even if you don't give up. Accept reality humbly and surrender in order to prepare for the next struggle. Good luck reaching for your love be !!! I hope you always happy~

I never say good bye :)

12 May 2020 01.55 AM

Gustianto Rahman to Hin Monyroth Be


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