Combine each of the following pairs of simple sentences into one complex sentence containing an adjective clause.
1. The theft was committed last night. The police has caught the man.
2. The French language is different from the Latin language. Latin was once spoken throughout Europe.
3. You are looking upset. Can you tell me the reason?
4. He had several plans for making money quickly. All of them have failed.
5. The landlord was proud of his strength. He despised the weakness of his tenants.
6. This is the village. I was born here.
7. You put the keys somewhere. Show me the place.
8. Paul was an old gentleman. He was my travelling companion.
9. A fox once met a crane. The fox had never seen a crane before.
10. The shop keeper keeps his money in a wooden case. This is the wooden case.
1. The police has caught the man who committed the theft last night.
2. The French language is different from the Latin language which was once spoken throughout Europe.
3. Can you tell me the reason why you are looking upset.
4. All the plans which he had for making money quickly have failed.
5. The landlord who was proud of his strength despised the weakness of his tenants.
6.This is the village where I was born.
7. Show me the place where you put the keys.
8. Paul who was an old gentleman was my travelling companion.
9. A fox which had never seen a crane before once met a crane.
10. This is the wooden case where the shopkeeper keeps his money.
Kemacetan Bukan Sebuah Budaya yang Harus di Lestarikan Tidak banyak yang menyadari bahwa masalah kemacetan sebenarnya merupakan masalah sosial budaya di dalam masyarakat. Perlu dipahami bahwa budaya adalah suatu hal menjadi ciri dalam masyarakat, menjadi sebuah pandangan dalam masyarakat, menjadikan sebuah alasan masyarakat untuk melakukan sesuatu yang dianggap sesuai dengan lingkungan dimana mereka berada dan dianggap mampu memberikan nilai lebih apabila dilakukan oleh pelakunya. Sebuah budaya tercipta melalui sebuah pola yang biasa dilakukan dalam masyarakat. Pola tersebut secara alami akan menjadi sebuah tatanan dalam masyarakat. Seseorang yang hidup di dalam masyarakat akan nyaman apabila mereka mampu hidup sesuai dengan tatanan yang telah ada tersebut. Mereka justru akan merasa malu apabila berada di luar atau berbeda dengan tatanan yang telah ada. Namun, tidak semua tatanan yang telah ada tersebut mampu memberikan efek yang positif apabila terus dilakukan dan di ikuti oleh masya...
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