When the Christmas holiday 2009 and New Year 2010 ago, I shared some of my relatives went to Yogyakarta to celebrate the new year all the roads.
We depart from the railway station on Monday December 30, 2009 using the KA Main Dusk with ticket for Rp. 100.000, - per person. Train Departure at 19:30 molor about 10 minutes from the tickets written. Travel through the bed while listening to songs on HP and do not feel the clock is showing 05:30 when we've entered the Tugu railway station. Our travel means travel within 10 hours. Should the trip can be completed in 9 hours, Äúsaja, Äù but it turned out the way that we were riding a lot of trains stop to allow other trains to pass.
Once out of NR, we immediately find the inn. Because today is the last day in 2007, so many people who want to celebrate last night in the city like Yogyakarta tourism, so the inn almost all full. From some pedicab driver we met we got information that, Äúsemua, Äù lodging raise tariffs by 100% * damn *. But we are still lucky to get a cheap GH though facilities are minimal, but okay to just sleep.
Day One, we walk along the road Mailoboro. Suddenly came a pedicab driver offers a ride to Dagadu with cost only Rp. 5.000, - and he also offered to drive us PP. Finally we boarded our rickshaw and taken to Dagadu kiosks around the palace, where she sells original Dagadu. Some of our stores entered but not yet satisfied with the offer given, and surprisingly the pedicab driver faithfully drove us to explore the stalls, to the extent that we thought perhaps the pedicab driver had asked for Rp. 50.000, - and instead of USD. 5.000, -. Finally we got the right place, and we bought some shirts Dagadu and Batik. Then the pedicab driver drove us to the palace, and we pay only Rp. 5.000, -. We had time to wonder why the pedicab drivers would be paid so lavishly when he was pedaling us everywhere. Apparently we can the information that the pedicab driver to commission from the store where we bought t-shirts, and not half-hearted, the commission, could reach 30%. After we calculated the groceries that we had brought, was the pedicab driver can gain a lot. Apparently so anyway the way they work.
Past this hour can I tell about my experience a holiday in Jogja,
Kemacetan Bukan Sebuah Budaya yang Harus di Lestarikan Tidak banyak yang menyadari bahwa masalah kemacetan sebenarnya merupakan masalah sosial budaya di dalam masyarakat. Perlu dipahami bahwa budaya adalah suatu hal menjadi ciri dalam masyarakat, menjadi sebuah pandangan dalam masyarakat, menjadikan sebuah alasan masyarakat untuk melakukan sesuatu yang dianggap sesuai dengan lingkungan dimana mereka berada dan dianggap mampu memberikan nilai lebih apabila dilakukan oleh pelakunya. Sebuah budaya tercipta melalui sebuah pola yang biasa dilakukan dalam masyarakat. Pola tersebut secara alami akan menjadi sebuah tatanan dalam masyarakat. Seseorang yang hidup di dalam masyarakat akan nyaman apabila mereka mampu hidup sesuai dengan tatanan yang telah ada tersebut. Mereka justru akan merasa malu apabila berada di luar atau berbeda dengan tatanan yang telah ada. Namun, tidak semua tatanan yang telah ada tersebut mampu memberikan efek yang positif apabila terus dilakukan dan di ikuti oleh masya...
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