guguss, that's my favorite call. I was born on August 1, 1992. I have a full name gustianto rahman. I was anakpertama of two brothers. I am an only son. I enrolled at university Gunadarma, while my sister man cibinong school in grade 2 sma bogor. While my father worked as a civil servant. I feel fortunate to be present in the midst of a very happy family like this. I feel happiness and togetherness that is extraordinary in this family. Because when I looked out there are so many people who can not feel the warmth of the family.
Since childhood I've loved basketball. Thus at age 11 I attended a basketball club. Various tournament a couple of places I have to follow. In addition, after entering grade 2 smp my parents put me into the other tutoring places such as the Koran, music lessons, swimming lessons and English lessons discussed. Despite my many extra activities but I am comfortable with everything because I sincerely live it. After stepping on my junior high activity began to increase again until finally I stopped all my activities the previous music lessons, dance lessons and swimming lessons. But please note my new activity is a useful activity. That is to organize. Starting from my participation in extracurricular Scouts. I know about since I started following oraganisasi extracurricular Scouts. There I learned to organize so that when I joined other organizations that I do not feel familiar. Very lucky because my family is very supportive of my activities.
My hobby is chatting. I like this hobby because I really like friends. I want to share their experiences with the crowd. Another thing I like is hanging out with family. Because in my opinion it is the most potent drugs to relieve the burden when I'm having trouble in school. Behind all of that I also have something I do not like is when I have to deal with the cheese. Some people say I'm weird but this is me. Somehow I just smell the cheese already feel bad.
Behind me in school activities, do not forget I also always made time to play with friends in a home environment. Luckily my friends are friends who are very friendly and can accept me as I am.
I have a life motto of "men should not be in number two." I chose that motto because I often see nowadays most women are more active role.
Sometimes I think, how lucky I am. Why not? I have been given the all-sufficient life. Once again thank you Lord that You have given me the pleasure of living, healthy and delicious favors Islam over the years.
Kemacetan Bukan Sebuah Budaya yang Harus di Lestarikan Tidak banyak yang menyadari bahwa masalah kemacetan sebenarnya merupakan masalah sosial budaya di dalam masyarakat. Perlu dipahami bahwa budaya adalah suatu hal menjadi ciri dalam masyarakat, menjadi sebuah pandangan dalam masyarakat, menjadikan sebuah alasan masyarakat untuk melakukan sesuatu yang dianggap sesuai dengan lingkungan dimana mereka berada dan dianggap mampu memberikan nilai lebih apabila dilakukan oleh pelakunya. Sebuah budaya tercipta melalui sebuah pola yang biasa dilakukan dalam masyarakat. Pola tersebut secara alami akan menjadi sebuah tatanan dalam masyarakat. Seseorang yang hidup di dalam masyarakat akan nyaman apabila mereka mampu hidup sesuai dengan tatanan yang telah ada tersebut. Mereka justru akan merasa malu apabila berada di luar atau berbeda dengan tatanan yang telah ada. Namun, tidak semua tatanan yang telah ada tersebut mampu memberikan efek yang positif apabila terus dilakukan dan di ikuti oleh masya...
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