Group bands that I liked since I first came kekampus Yesterday dated 19 May 2011 I was very happy because the band group to meet degan teeth that have been long time since I idolakan. Especially bang Armand Maulana very cool really any action on the stage. Already I've liked dibangku smp same band that are now seventeen-year-old. Tepet the band's birthday is on 22 March 2011 yesterday that celebrates birthday seventeen. On the anniversary of this tahinnya even this band released a new album titled "sweet seventeen". In her chance yesterday when I bang on campus promo Armand sings four songs and one song that he nyayikan is the latest song in the album had just tilled. In the promo album yesterday held a question and answer personnel about music and also about a single concert gear that will take place on 26 May 2011. Yesterday when distributed free tickets to anyone who gives a good question and good. The opportunity was wasted because I did not get a chance to ask questions, because the very enthusiastic audience who came together in my college parking lot. While I was standing quite close to the stage but I did not get asked, so I still legowo. Heheehe
When teeth singing a song titled january eleven I was really happy because the song have a lot of memories that make me really enjoy that song. Actually I want to jump when the spirit sang teeth but other people do not have a jump-jump so sayapun feel ashamed if I own a jump-hop. This is not the first time I saw the teeth directly, but already several times. I am not a fan of our teeth but my teeth are not very faithful over with him. I really like to bang Armand Maulana very energetic perfume once while on stage. Anyway cool deh emang band group dental. And hopefully make a concert titled sweet tooth seventeen it went well and smooth without any obstacles. Good luck teeth
Kemacetan Bukan Sebuah Budaya yang Harus di Lestarikan Tidak banyak yang menyadari bahwa masalah kemacetan sebenarnya merupakan masalah sosial budaya di dalam masyarakat. Perlu dipahami bahwa budaya adalah suatu hal menjadi ciri dalam masyarakat, menjadi sebuah pandangan dalam masyarakat, menjadikan sebuah alasan masyarakat untuk melakukan sesuatu yang dianggap sesuai dengan lingkungan dimana mereka berada dan dianggap mampu memberikan nilai lebih apabila dilakukan oleh pelakunya. Sebuah budaya tercipta melalui sebuah pola yang biasa dilakukan dalam masyarakat. Pola tersebut secara alami akan menjadi sebuah tatanan dalam masyarakat. Seseorang yang hidup di dalam masyarakat akan nyaman apabila mereka mampu hidup sesuai dengan tatanan yang telah ada tersebut. Mereka justru akan merasa malu apabila berada di luar atau berbeda dengan tatanan yang telah ada. Namun, tidak semua tatanan yang telah ada tersebut mampu memberikan efek yang positif apabila terus dilakukan dan di ikuti oleh masya...
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