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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2011

imarmut "ikatan mahasiswa, rajin, lucu dan imut" cerita pendek

Awal singkat bangku perkuliahanku perkenalkan namaku adalah gustianto rahman yang biasa dipanggil dengan nama “gusti”. Aku adalah seorang mahasiswa baru, yang masuk perguruan tinggi pada tahun kemarin tepatnya pada tahun ajaran 2010-2011. Pertama kali saya masuk bangku perkuliahan, saya merasa sangat asing sekali dengan pergaulan yang sekarang ini saya jalani, karena sangat terkesan sekali bahwa semua yang ada disekitar saya sangatlah berbeda dan terlihat tidak sama dengan masa-masa sekolah dulu. Tepatnya setelah masuk dan selesai melakukan masa orientasi saya mulai mencari teman bergaul yang tepat agar saya tidak terjebak dalam pergaulan yang salah. Pada saat pertama kali saya mulai masuk kelas, saya bertemu dengan teman yang kebetulan satu group ketika kami melakukan orientasi mahasiswa. Kemudian saya menegur sapa walau terkesan sedikit sok kenal sok dekat, tapi respon yang ia berikan sangat baik sekali karena dia juga sangat welcome terhadap saya untuk menjalin sebuah pertemanan. ...

gigi oh gigi band

Group band yang sangat saya suka sejak dulu dating kekampus saya Kemarin tanggal 19 mei 2011 saya sangat senang sekali karena bertemu degan group band gigi yang telah lama aku idolakan. Khususnya bang armand maulana yang sangat cool banget setiap aksinya diatas panggung. Sudah sejak dibangku smp saya sudah suka sama band yang sekarang ini sudah berusia tujuh belas tahun itu. Tepet hari ulang tahun band ini adalah tanggal 22 maret 2011 kemarin yang merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke tujuh belas. Pada hari ulang tahinnya ini band inipun mengeluarkan album terbarunya yang bertajuk “sweet seventeen”. Pada kesempatannya kemarin saat promo di kampus saya bang armand menyanyikan empat buah lagu dan salah satu lagu yang ia nyayikan adalah lagu terbaru dalam album yang baru saja digarap. Dalam promo album kemarin para personil mengadakan Tanya jawab seputar music dan juga tentang konser tunggal gigi yang akan berlangsung pada tanggal 26 mei 2011 nanti. Kemarin padahal dibagikan tiket gratis bagi ...

group band gigi di kampus

Group bands that I liked since I first came kekampus Yesterday dated 19 May 2011 I was very happy because the band group to meet degan teeth that have been long time since I idolakan. Especially bang Armand Maulana very cool really any action on the stage. Already I've liked dibangku smp same band that are now seventeen-year-old. Tepet the band's birthday is on 22 March 2011 yesterday that celebrates birthday seventeen. On the anniversary of this tahinnya even this band released a new album titled "sweet seventeen". In her chance yesterday when I bang on campus promo Armand sings four songs and one song that he nyayikan is the latest song in the album had just tilled. In the promo album yesterday held a question and answer personnel about music and also about a single concert gear that will take place on 26 May 2011. Yesterday when distributed free tickets to anyone who gives a good question and good. The opportunity was wasted because I did not get a chance to ask qu...

scouts II

How reliable solutions to address youth problems in the present? Scout Movement has a duty to prepare cadres namely a strong nation that needed special education. For that, because it was realized that the need for education as part of the State defense needs of the nation and the State. Many young people who complained to the existing problems in his life. It did not escape the shocks the soul that is in these young people. They deliberately keep myself busy with all the activities there, no matter it is beneficial or not for themselves. How reliable solutions to address youth problems in the present? It was not easy, but it certainly can be done in various ways. One of them is to give motivation to the youth. Not escape from it, the role of a community association (organization) is also very influential to the character and development of young people. Scout organization for example. Scouting is one of the containers is very important because it covers various aspects of life aspect....


Scouts, or commonly called Scout or Scout (Scouting) is a Boy Scout movement that has penetrated the whole world. Scout Movement is composed of various youth organizations, both for men and women. Various activities are conducted independently and along with a full sense of responsibility. Young hopes that the Indonesian nation is very important for the nation to rebuild the country. Because they who become the ultimate weapon for the nation to make a strong nation. Therefore, they need the students to be trained into someone who is independent and has a high sense of discipline. To create and promote these goals, we as souls virtuous, should always uphold the principles of independence which will make our nation has become a powerful nation and to be able to stand on its own. Peculiarities OCCURRED DURING THE SCOUT This discrepancy occurs due to many conflicts between parent and child, many parents did not allow his son to follow the activities will be undertaken by the shelves, becau...

volcanic eruption

Volcanic Eruption Volcanic eruptions occur due to magma activity in the bowels of the earth which cause strong pressure out through the top of a volcano. The danger posed by volcanic eruptions such as: 1) The rain of volcanic ash, causing respiratory problems. 2) Lava, hot, destructive, and turn off anything that passed. 3) heat clouds, can turn off the living creatures that pass. 4) Gas-containing toxins. 5) solid material (rock, gravel, sand), can override the housing, and Other. Until now, the volcano is still a mystery to humans. Science has been accomplished man of very few volcanoes. And that's just the outside only. However, as the population of a country that the two largest islands are dominated by volcanic mountain range, there is no harm if we learn about this volcano. How the formation process, why there is an active volcano and non-active, why there is a small volcanic eruption and there is a large, why the land in the area surrounding the volcano is relatively fertile...

my initial brief lecture bench

My initial brief lecture bench introduce my name is rahman gustianto who was called by the name "gusti". I am a new student, who entered college last year, exactly in the academic year 2010-2011. The first time I went seat lecture, I felt very strange at all with the association that now I live, because it is very impressed that everything around me looks very different and not equal to periods of school first. Exactly after the entry and completion of the orientation period I started looking for the right friends to hang out I do not get caught up in the wrong intercourse. The first time I started going to class, I met with friends who happened to one group when we do student orientation. Then I rebuked said although impressed knew little pretentious quasi-close, but the response he gave very good at all because he is also very welcome to me in having a friendship. At that time we have been out of the classroom and want to go home. And it happens to all my new friends intro...

human activity

Now this area have been many contaminated by human activity itself, which resulted in the number of defects that arise in various environments around us. This will impact on the man himself is acting up. Stout consequences will arise from human activity itself, so examples of the consequences to be suffered by humans if the destructive nature are: (1). Climate changes occur because of climatological settings do not work anymore. (2). Extinction of various species of animals and plants, resulting in the decline in biodiversity. (3). The occurrence of drought in the dry season and flooding will occur in the rainy season. (4). Happened critical area where the land becomes barren, so the plants can not grow well. (5). Damage due to forest fires is very disturbing because of health and flight activity of dense smoke. As for the characteristics-Based Development Environment is as follows: 1) To ensure equity and justice. 2) Respect for biodiversity. 3) Using an integrative approach. 4) To e...

My funny experience when sma

While still sitting on the bench one private school in depok I had a funny experience. Together with a classmate I came home from a football pitch. On the way, whoever is first started, we started arguing about who can run faster. Since we both no one wants to lose eventually we decided to test it by running as far as a block (about 100 meters). Incidentally it was about four o'clock and housing conditions were very quiet. In the count of three, I and my friend ran "sprint" as fast as possible. It turns out we were both in balance. A few yards from the end of the block (which is our finish line) suddenly a pedicab driver who usually hung in there block ran after both of us. Pedicab driver was running very fast just a few yards behind us. Still puzzled why the pedicab driver was chasing the two of us, we tried to run as tight as possible for fear. I've not had time to think and was so nervous I kept running up to five blocks along with my friend earlier. Pedicab dri...

the meaning of love in my opinion

In human life, love often manifests itself in various forms. Sometimes a person loves himself, sometimes loving someone else. Self-love makes a person would be able to maintain itself. Imagine if someone does not love yourself, surely he would not care about the condition itself. If he had loved himself, will appear opposite impulse, that is despised everything that can memadorotkan himself. But to remember is self-love must be balanced with other forms of love on the other. Then Love itself what? According to the general view, Love is a feeling of wanting to share together or a feeling of affection towards someone. Another opinion, love is an action or activity performed on humans to other objects in the form of self-sacrifice, empathy, attention, give love, help, obey the word, to follow, obedient, and willing to do anything they want that object. But in my opinion, Love is basically is to save each other, protect each other and themselves happy. If we love ourselves or others wit...


CAUSATIVE VERB “HAVE” Causative “have” is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (causative “have” diikuti oleh verb 1 (tanpa tambahan s/-es), bukan diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)). Examples: - I had John repair my bike. (CORRECT) - I had John to repair my bike. (INCORRECT,because it is followed by an infinitive) è Kalimat ke 2 salah karena diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1) ► “Have” gives the idea that “X” request “Y” to do something. ( “Have” menunjukkan bahwa “X” meminta “Y” untuk melakukan sesuatu.) è The formula is: “X” has/have/had “Y” do something (simple form) (rumusnya adalah “X” has/have/had “Y” melakukakn sesuatu (verb dalam bentuk sederhana(verb1 tanpa tambahan s/-es)). Examples: - Mary has John carry her bag. Means(artinya): John carried the bag because Mary ask him to. ( John membawa tas karena Mary menyuruhnya). -I have Jane put my books Means: Jane put my books because I ask her to. - Tom had Jane clean the room yesterday è Using “had” because the a...


guguss, that's my favorite call. I was born on August 1, 1992. I have a full name gustianto rahman. I was anakpertama of two brothers. I am an only son. I enrolled at university Gunadarma, while my sister man cibinong school in grade 2 sma bogor. While my father worked as a civil servant. I feel fortunate to be present in the midst of a very happy family like this. I feel happiness and togetherness that is extraordinary in this family. Because when I looked out there are so many people who can not feel the warmth of the family. Since childhood I've loved basketball. Thus at age 11 I attended a basketball club. Various tournament a couple of places I have to follow. In addition, after entering grade 2 smp my parents put me into the other tutoring places such as the Koran, music lessons, swimming lessons and English lessons discussed. Despite my many extra activities but I am comfortable with everything because I sincerely live it. After stepping on my junior high activity began...


guguss, itulah panggilan kesayangan saya. Saya lahir pada tanggal 1 agustus 1992. Saya mempunyai nama lengkap gustianto rahman. Saya merupakan anakpertama dari dua bersaudara. Saya adalah putra satu-satunya. saya berkuliah di universitas gunadarma, Sedangkan adik saya sekolah di man cibinong bogor kelas 2 sma. Sedangkan ayah saya bekerja sebagai pegawai negeri sipil. Saya merasa beruntung hadir di tengah-tengah keluarga yang sangat bahagia seperti ini. Saya merasa kebahagiaan dan kebersamaan yang sangat luar biasa di dalam keluarga ini. Karena setelah saya melihat ke luar sana banyak sekali orang yang tidak bisa merasakan hangatnya keluarga. Sejak kecil saya sudah menyukai basket. Maka dari itu pada umur 11 tahun saya mengikuti klub basket. Berbagai turnament dibeberapa tempat telah saya ikuti. Selain itu setelah memasuki kelas 2 smp orang tua saya sudah memasukkan saya ke tempat bimbingan belajar lainnya seperti mengaji, les musik, les berenang dan les bahas Inggris. Walaupun kegiata...


crime is caused by the imbalance is considered as a social problem by society depends on the system of social values ​​that society. However there are some things that the community faced generally the same, the things that the crime include the following. 1. Poverty Historically, the rich and the poor state side by side is not a social problem. Poverty emerged as a social problem since the development of trade throughout the world and also the enactment stage certain life as a community habit. In the past each individual aware of its economic position, so that they able to say whether he rich or poor. Poverty considered a social problem if the difference in position 'economic citizens determined explicitly. In an unpretentious community composition and organization, poverty is not a problem social, because they assume that all have been destined, so no usahausaha to overcome them. In a complex modern society, poverty become a social problem because of the attitude of hate poverty ...