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scouts II

How reliable solutions to address youth problems in the present? Scout Movement has a duty to prepare cadres namely a strong nation that needed special education. For that, because it was realized that the need for education as part of the State defense needs of the nation and the State. Many young people who complained to the existing problems in his life. It did not escape the shocks the soul that is in these young people. They deliberately keep myself busy with all the activities there, no matter it is beneficial or not for themselves. How reliable solutions to address youth problems in the present? It was not easy, but it certainly can be done in various ways. One of them is to give motivation to the youth. Not escape from it, the role of a community association (organization) is also very influential to the character and development of young people. Scout organization for example. Scouting is one of the containers is very important because it covers various aspects of life aspect. The young people can creativity, work, and creativity within the organization without forgetting the meaning of a discipline. How to create a spirited young generation and character Scouts. One way to create a spirited young generation and character mempramukakan scout is with young people. What is meant by mempramukakan does not mean that all young people were incorporated into the Scout Movement members, but rather at the level of spirit and behavior of young people in accordance with the scouts as part of Indonesian society. Fostering a member of the soulless and berwatakkan Scouts also must be based on faith and Taqwa (IMTAQ) and always follow the development of science and technology (S & T). It was also definitely not as easy as turning the palm of our hands. Not a few young people in this country are abusing the existing technology into bad things and bad. Should note that the actual program implemented Scout Movement must be based on faith and Taqwa, and always follow the development of Science and Technology so that whatever was done to follow the development of customized era. Changing attitudes and perceptions of society with the social perception that teens are now seen decreases. Many young people who abuse kekeretifitasan on himself to be used as a behavior or things that are negative. It can be overcome by participating organizations into a positive one that is around us, one of which is the Scout who is a reliable solution to deal with the families of the youth of today. Another way is by moving the Scout Movement members and organizations for caring and responsive to societal problems. This is done to establish the identity of the Scout Movement through the code of honor and reflection as well as members of Scouts that responds to problems on the surrounding environment. With the example of the positive things and the good, the public will assume good also against the young. That way people will emulate the positive things are to be applied in daily life.


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TEMA: ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KINERJA KARYAWAN DIDALAM PERUSAHAAN. Kata kunci : iklim organisasi, kedewasaan, kinerja, kepemimpinan, stress, budaya kerja. ANALISIS JURNAL TENTANG KINERJA KERJA KARYAWAN Jurnal 1 ( PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA DAN STRES KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus : CV. Mertanadi)) : Anak Agung Wiranata 2, Juli 2011 Kepemimpinan dalam perusahaan merupakan hal penting dalam sebuah era organisasi modern yang menghendaki adanya demokratisasi dalam pelaksanaan kerja dan kepemimpinan perusahaan. Akibat yang mungkin timbul dari adanya gaya kepemimpinan yang buruk adalah penurunan kinerja karyawan yang akan membawa dampak kepada penurunan kinerja total perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja dan stres karyawan.. Hipotesa kerja yaitu H0 = 0, kepemimpinan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja dan stress karyawan. Ha ≠ 0, kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja dan stress karyawan. Hasil pen

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